Holistic Training Courses (Coaching)
Full access and coaching to any of the pre developed Holistic Training Courses. A monthly subscription that allows you to seamlessly transition to any course so that you can try them all. This includes full time coaching, I will respond will valuable feedback on any workout that you log, helping you get the best results and the most out of your training experience.
Current courses available:
Holistic Climber: A minimalistic training program specifically designed for climbers to optimize their bodies for the specific demands of the sport while reducing their chance of injury and improving their athleticism through strength, mobility and coordination. There are three options for this course, a two, three, or four day a week training cycle to match your specific schedule and desired training volume.
Holistic Training System: The most well rounded program imaginable, this course includes it all. Develop extraordinary fitness, strength, mobility, conditioning and resiliency all while following a sustainable volume and training structure.
Holistic Shoulders: Build resiliency and function in the upper body. This program will take your upper body ability to the next level. Optimize every muscle in the upper body.
Current courses available:
Holistic Climber: A minimalistic training program specifically designed for climbers to optimize their bodies for the specific demands of the sport while reducing their chance of injury and improving their athleticism through strength, mobility and coordination. There are three options for this course, a two, three, or four day a week training cycle to match your specific schedule and desired training volume.
Holistic Training System: The most well rounded program imaginable, this course includes it all. Develop extraordinary fitness, strength, mobility, conditioning and resiliency all while following a sustainable volume and training structure.
Holistic Shoulders: Build resiliency and function in the upper body. This program will take your upper body ability to the next level. Optimize every muscle in the upper body.